5 Resume mistakes

  • Misspellings - A common one but dangerous mistake. A mistake on your resume can be an instant deal killer so it’s best to take the time to review it over and over before sending it out. You should take a day or two off then review it again because having your resume thrown out due to a grammatical error isn’t the best feeling.
  • Lack of flow - This is a bit of a tough one but having a 3rd party review your resume will help fix this mistake. Resumes are designed to tell a story and offer a certain skillset so it's best to have someone review it to ensure your story is being told.
  • Too much – A common mistake is having a resume that’s multiple pages. There are exceptions however recruiters want to see 1-2 pagers that they can easily go over. You must remember they go through hundreds of these and the site of going through a book to see if you’re qualified won’t help your case.
  • Too broad – A resume should be broad but not too the point where the recruiter has no clue on what you actually did at your previous job. It’s best to list out certain duties and tasks as well as responsibilities. This will give the recruiter an idea about what your skillset is.
  • Lack of accomplishments – This is self-explanatory as well. Resumes are designed to showcase your accomplishments so it’s best to recite certain goals or numbers you achieved within each of your past jobs. This will catch the recruiter’s eye and help your chances.

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